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Real-time online collaboration?

+1 vote
Is there an online context where users can collaborate on a diagram, in real time?

(I mean as opposed to uploading a png of the diagram to some online whiteboard space, soliciting comments, re-doing the map, re-uploading the next version of the png, etc... :)


in Help by (230 points)
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1 Answer

0 votes
No, there is currently no such thing.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
That's a pity. :)  But thanks for the quick response, Thomas

- Jeff
While I have no objection to online collaboration, I will throw out there that the reason i chose yEd is that it is one of the only programs out there now that is still local on the hard drive. I work in an environment where storing my diagrams on a server out of our control is not allowed, so if you ever do go that route, please keep the ability to keep everything local.
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