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Is there a way to control the successor depth in the Successors view?

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in Help by

1 Answer

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Unfortunately, yEd does not offer a way to restrict the maximum depth for its successor/predecessor views.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
The current behavior is somewhat inconsistent.
If I click on "a", only these nodes and connections are displayed:
a -> b -> f
a -> d
a -> e
a -> h

If yEd does not restrict the maximum depth for successor views it is doing something to trim the graph. Is there a way then to just un-restrict the depth?

yEd displays all successor/predecessor nodes in the successor/predecessor context views. Moreover, since those are context views, yEd does not display all edges but only those edges on the shortest path from (one of) the selected node(s) to a given successor/predecessor node.

I.e. yEd display all successor/predecessor nodes and the minimal number of edges to understand why a given node is successor/predecessor node.

Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to configure the edge criterion.

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