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4k display - scaling problem

0 votes

on my 4k display, everything in yEd is very, very tiny. The screen magnify is 175%, but yEd doesn't scale. I found simular questions from years ago - is this feature in progress ?
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
Which version of yEd are you using?
On what operating system are you using yEd?
On what version of Java are you running yEd (see "Help" -> "About")?

yEd comes bundled either with Java 8 or Java 15 runtime environment. Be sure to use the latest version of yEd (which is 3.21.1 at the time of this writing) with Java 15, because Java 8 does not support HDPI.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
I'm using version 3.21.1 on a windows10 system. The Java version is 1.8.0_321.
I use the ZIP release from yEd - so I haven't a Java 15 release. I'll setup a new java release and give you a comment after finishing.

In this case, I suggest given the version with the bundled Java 15 runtime environment a chance. This bundled JRE will be installed along with yEd in a way that does not affect any other (Java) application or (Java) environment setting on your system.

If you stick to the zip release, you will need to use additional virtual machine options when running yEd with Java 15.

I get the bundled environment - it works (great). Thanks.
4K scaling still not working
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