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Copy all Labels to Text

+1 vote
I am analyzing large amounts of data, yEd is great for helping me to find groups within this data set.  I want to have the data (the Node labels) avaliable for use.  Is there anyway to export all node labels within a selected area into excel or any other document even just as text.
in Help by

1 Answer

+1 vote
Well, you could try to copy the nodes and edges with the labels you want into a new editor tab and then save that sub-graph in TGF format. TGF is a very simple text-based format which you might be able to modify by hand so you can import the texts into another application. This apporach will only work for nodes/edges with at most one label, though.

A more complex approach would be to use XSLT to extract label text from GraphML.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thank you very much that worked perfectly!
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