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custom nodes - like a class node

0 votes
TO: YED engineering

From: Paul Alagna Chief Design Engineer

  Wellness I-Institute (Cancer Drone Project)


    First let me congratulate you on a excellent designing tool.

    I do find however, that serious system modeling design must consist of classes.

    Classes as per the 3 amigos** are a 3 section icon that consists of a title (or name), a data section, and a behavior section (IE signaling / execution).

    For myself, and for my current work, a simple Class icon would suffice.

    The full UML standard regarding objects will be useful later in the implementation stages.

Chief Design Engineer

Paul Alagna

Wellness I-Institute

(cancer drone project)

**- https://wiki.c2.com/?ThreeAmigos
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

I think yEd already provides a "3 section icon" with its "Class" template from its "UML" palette section:

Sample GraphML.

To add/change constraints, stereotype, attribute, and methods, select the class node, press F6 to open the corresponding properties dialog, switch to tab "UML", and fill out the respective text fields:

Note that "Omit Details" is not checked in the above example.

There is one pitfall here, though: A class node does not automatically grow to show all of its attributes and methods. You have to manually increase the size of the node.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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