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Mapping a second imported text

0 votes

Excel import  and mapping properties work fine.  But I don't know, how to place a second label / text on the nodes.  

I can manually add a second label, but how to create it automatically during import ?

I see the built in node Entity, it has a "second" label as well, but I could not find out how to map an Excel colum to them...

Any ideas ?

Thanks in advance,

in Help by

1 Answer

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Excel Import cannot create multiple labels directly. You need to create a properties mapper configuration towards this end. If you specify this configuration on tab "Presentation" in the Excel Import settings, it will be applied automatically.

When you map a custom property to a label's text, the mapping details include a setting "Map to Label No." This setting determines for which label the text is set.
By default, nodes have one label. If you map to label 2, a second label is created in the center of the node. If you want to control the placement of the additional labels, you can use the following approach:

  1. Create a new node in yEd's editor area.
  2. Add a second label to said new node.
  3. Place the new label as required.
  4. Create a user-defined palette section.
  5. Right-click the node from step 1 to open its context menu and choose "Add to Palette".
  6. Double-click the new template in your user-defined palette section to make it the default template for new nodes.
    If successful, the new template will have a dark blue background in its palette section.
  7. On tab "Presentation" in the Excel Import settings, set "Template" to "Selected Template from Palette".
    This way the nodes created with Excel Import will use your new template and will have two labels.
  8. Adjust your properties mapper configuration to map the appropriate property value to the text of label 2.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thanks, it works !
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