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Where is the custom palette stored?

0 votes

After reinstalling the app I've lost the custom palette that I've use for my drawings. I have a backup on my Time Machine but I'm unclear where I find the file containing my palette so that I can restore that as well.

Can anyone help me with directions?

in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
Palette section files are stored in the yEd profile directory (see "Help" -> "About" for the location of the profile directory on your machine). However, uninstalling and installing yEd should not delete your profile directory, so it is a bit strange that your settings are gone.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thanks Thomas. I found it. The explanation for it being gone is that I reinstalled the whole machine due to an unidentified error, and I did not use the automatic restore from the backup. So I assume that it all works great if one just reinstall the yEd app.
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