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Loading BPMN graphs using GML format

0 votes
Is it possible to load BPMN graphs using GML (not *.graphml) input files?
It seems, that in yEd (version 3.21.1) BPMN graphs can indeed be saved in "*.gml" format, but then it is not possible to get back the original layout (i.e. swim lanes cannot be recognized/displayed).
Many thanks in advance.
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
GML is a legacy format that does not support all the visual features provided in recent versions of yEd. For BPMN nodes specifically, pools, some activities (open task and subprocess), and groups are not supported.

In short, you cannot use GML if you want to use all the BPMN nodes available in yEd.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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