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Swimlane resizing - how to keep the nodes in the respective original swimlanes

0 votes
The way swimlane resizing currently works in yEd for desktop and yEd Live is:
yEd for desktop:
Only moves the separator to redistribute space but leaves the nodes where they are, thus some nodes may remain in the wrong lane and have to be manually shifted.

yEd Live:
The nodes in the resized and the neighbouring lanes remain where they were initially placed, and additional space is added to the resized lane.

Would you explain to me how to achieve yEd Live behaviour in yEd for desktop (v. 3.21.1)?
If this is not possible, would you consider adding the yEd Live behaviour to yEd for desktop, possibly with an option to switch between the two options as needed?
in Help by

1 Answer

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Best answer
Unfortunately, yEd does not offer the resize behavior from yEd Live. (I have added a corresponding entry to our list of possible improvements for yEd, though.)
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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