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Automation by importing Edges and Nodes from .xls file

0 votes
Hi. I'm importing some data from a .xls file but in Properties Mapper I didn't find a way to do somethings, which demands manual adjustments after importing. I want to do it automatically, I want the diagram done after importing the data, with no need of manual touches after that. There is a way to do the following things using Properties Mapper or any other toll at the moment I'm importing data?
1. Use coordinates (X and Y), but allowing minimal distance among nodes with the same coordinate;
2. avoid labels overriding edges, nodes or themselves;

3. Define properties for imported groups of nodes (shape, fill color, line color, etc)?
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

yEd is not meant to provide a means for full automation, you will always have to adjust your diagrams manually to some extend.

If you need full automation, you will have to develop a custom application - e.g. based on the yFiles diagramming library on which yEd is built as well.

To answer your questions:

  1. While it is possible to use properties mapper to specify coordinate for normal nodes, it is not possible to create mappings with logic. Moreover, the logic required for what you want to achieve is not as simple as you seem to think it is. Actually, this is what (complex) layout algorithm are meant to do.
  2. No, this is not possible with properties mapper. Again, this requires complex logic which is provided by some of yEd's layout algorithms and/or its "Label Placement" algorithm.
  3. Properties mapper may be used to change colors of group nodes, but not shape of coordinates.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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