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HTML markup supported (as per JRE support)

0 votes

Two questions:

  1. Where can I find the reference information on what JRE supports? Is it documented anywhere? I don't see JRE having support for "HTML rendering and support for HTML markup" anywhere?
  2. Are the images (<img> tags) supported at all? I would like to add multiple icons into the text - that possible?


in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
  1. See the javax.swing.text.html package documentation.
  2. Yes, <img> tags are supported.
    The src attribute will have to be a proper URL, though (and not a relative path).
by [yWorks] (162k points)
would SVG graphics (embedded) be supported too (I know I can put SVG graphics instead of text but this is about mixing the two together)
No, javax.swing.text.html does not support embedded SVG documents.
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