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How to build multiple planes (layers) of interconnected graphs?

0 votes
I need to illustrate graphical relationships with interconnections that span multiple dimensions. For example, think of an integrated circuit design with several layers of components and pathways that are not only connected across each plane, but also have such connections between planes.  I need to be able to view this multidimensional model as an orthographic projection or render it as a 3d image. Is this possible? Or are there other tools that can do this?
related to an answer for: Layers (similar Dia or Visio layer)
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
yEd supports only two-dimensional diagrams.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thanks, but are there other tools that can do this?

I am afraid, this is the wrong place to ask about other tools. After all, this is not a general purpose diagramming forum, but a forum specifically dedicated to yEd.

Personally, I simply do not know whether or not the kind of software you are looking for exists.

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