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How can I change a label without the size of the node being changed?

0 votes
Let's say, I have a rectangle node labelled "Test". Now I would like to copy-paste the node and add another label "x" in the new node.

The new node is always a bit larger then the node before (even when the text becomes smaller).

How can I make yEd give me exact the same node size after copy-paste-changeLabel?

Thank you very much in advance
in Help by
P.S.: The node also seems to get wider each time I change the label, even when the new label has less text (i.e. is smaller) than before.

1 Answer

0 votes
By default, changing the text of a node does not change the node's size in any way. Therefore, I assume you have activated option "Dynamically Adjust Node Size to Label Size" (see "File" -> "Preferences", tab "Editor"). This feature is essentially an automatically started instance of "Tools" -> "Fit Node to Label" and also uses the settings chosen for said tool. You probably have said tools "Adapt to Maximum Node" enabled. Either turn "Adapt to Maximum Node" off or turn "Dynamically Adjust Node Size to Label Size" off altogether.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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