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How to set the icon to the fourth label ?

0 votes
Thank you again.For the matter of text no more displayed let me confirm It occured just after adding the pictures.

The icon seems to overlap the text(or text push away by the picture).

You suggest me to to set the icon to the fourth label.

Because my knowledge in computer science is very limited and as a consequence I do not know how to proceed.Would you please help me by sending some more information. I promise you I wont claim anything else.Thanks. Daniel
related to an answer for: Pictures size and Node text
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

Use the "Map To Label No" field in the properties mapper configuration to specify the number of the label for which to set the icon.

The "Map To Label No" field is right below the "Selected Mapping" text in the screenshot in my original answer.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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