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Cannot setup in 11 x 17 paper

0 votes
When first setting up print, I have no option for 11x17 paper. When I convert/print to PDF I can choose 11x17, but when using the BEST FIT mode, the chart still looks small. Worse, is that when I enlarge the PDF to see the chart, the letter is unreadable and blurry.


Any tips you can pass my way?  Jim
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
Unfortunately, from your description, it's unclear to my which yEd settings you used to export your diagram, so I cannot give any specific advise (for example, I don't find a 'best fit' option in yEd). In general, yEd relies on the printer setup that is reported by the operating system and printer driver, and I'm not sure if this is a problem with yEd or with the printer settings.

There are several other discussions in the forum about printing to large paper sizes which may help, for example:

Note that size A3 is similar to 11x17 and A4 to 8.5x11.

If this doesn't help, please try to describe your steps in yEd and your system in more detail.
by [yWorks] (26.8k points)
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