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Plot unconnected arrows

+3 votes

It would be nice to be able to plot arrows not connected to nodes. For example, if you would like to show a timeline with events, where events are marked with an arrow, it is cumbersome that you have to make invisible notes in the ends of each arrow.

An example of a timeline plot, which I occasionally make in yEd can be seen in the following. All arrows down to the timeline is connect to invisible nodes.

in Feature Requests by

2 Answers

0 votes

It is possible to draw unconnected arrows. Just create arrow from/to same object, add middle point to line and move end of arrow to empty space:


0 votes
For the timeline, use a wide rectangle shape that is 1-pixel high. This eliminates the need for many invisible nodes. Start with a shape that is 5-pixels high to make it easier to connect the arrows, and then change the shape to 1-pixel high.
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