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Unable to scroll palette view

+1 vote
I have created 10 palettes which are all open and accessable via the palette view. These palettes are all made up of SVG nodes. The largest palettes contains ~60 such nodes. When I try scrolling up to get to the first node in the palette becasue the top most nodes are not visible the application automatically scrolls me back down to the bottom of the palette as soon as I let go of the scrollbar.

Is this a known bug?
in Help by (130 points)
I'm not sure it is the same problem, but I've just stumbled an issue with the palette view. I have the standard palettes (from yed 3.11.1 / JRE Hotspot 1.7.0_17 / WinXP, double screen 1280x1024 resolution), and if I "open" several palettes I am not able to scroll down completely, either with the mouse wheel or with the keyboard, I am "bocked" somewhere in the middle. I can scroll up completely, but not all the way down - it is as if I was  "blocked" on some size. It does not seem related to the number of open palettes, but with the vertical size of the palette : if I only open a small palette, scrolling down works. And now I restart yEd, and the bug disappears :-(

I had opened yEd, created a new graph with only a few nodes, and the problem appeared. This is the first time I see it, I'd update here if I can reproduce it (note also I updated to yed 3.11.1 somewhat recently. I'd guess my JRE has been the same for some time, but not sure)

3 Answers

+1 vote
I have come across this problem several times, too. However, I have not yet been able to reliably reproduce the issue (i.e. after re-starting yEd the problem was always gone). As a result, I have not yet been able to determine the cause for the problem. Are you able to reliably reproduce this problem? If so, how?
by [yWorks] (162k points)
No, not reliably!
I just download yed for Windows (32 bits) and I had the same problem. I restart yed and the problem is gone. Thank you.
+1 vote
Scrolling issues in the palette are also occurring with me. The palette seems to be anchored to the last element in the palette. Scrolling upwards is interrupted by the palette, which then scrolls down again by itself.

The problem has been there for quite some versions now and it is still there in the latest one (3.14.2)


Thank you for support.
+1 vote
This frequently happens to me. I've found that unpinning and pinning the Palatte pane will fix it without having to restart, though I don't know what causes it to happen in the first place.
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