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Can I run yed headless

0 votes

Hi, I am using yEd in a charity project to visualize some organizational issues. I generate the graphml file with a ruby script using a kinda internal DSL.

I have to load the generatd file into yEd, do a bunch of mouse clicks:

  • "Knoten wie Beschriftung"
  • "layout Hierarchish"
  • Adust the paramters in the form

Is there a way do to these steps in a config file such my clients eventualy run the script and get the layouted graph without further clicks.

Is there even a way to generate the SVG or PDF fully headless?


in Help by (220 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

No, there is no way to script or run yEd in headless mode. Indeed the yEd Software License Agreement explicitly forbids using yEd in an automated process (see "1. License Conditions").

If you need to automate the work you are currently doing manually with yEd, you may license the yFiles diagramming library (upon which yEd is built as well) to develop a custom application. Please contact yWorks' sales department to discuss licensing options, if developing  a custom application is an option for you.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
thanks for the quick response. The issue is no showstopper for me and the project is limited, so I will live with the manual actions.

Anyhow thanks for Yed it helps me a lot

It would be a bit more comforable for me if I could provide the layout parameters in the graphml file such that I can have a reproducable result. At the moment, I am using Scrrentshot of the forms to document the settings.

There is a feature request to store layout settings in GraphML files. Please consider voting it up.

I wonder, if it still has a chance 10 years after ..
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