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How to connect sequence flow from opened task activity to task/gateway?

0 votes
I wonder why it is not possible to connect from an opened task activity (which shows the - symbol) to another object like a gateway or activity. If I close the task activity by clicking on the - symbol where the task activity is in a collapsed state afterwards, it is possible to connect the sequence flow to another object. But I think this is somehow impractical...

Thanks in advance for the reply.
in Help by (300 points)
edited by

1 Answer

0 votes
An opened task activity is essentially a group node. For group nodes, edge creation is only possible within 10 size units (i.e. pixel at zoom 1) of the node boundary. This is done to be able to differentiate an edge creation gesture for the group node from a selection box gesture or an edge creation gesture for an inner node of the group node.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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