I try to programmatically generate "graphml" files that would be readable by yEd. Since I use a programming language which is not supported by yFiles, I need to understand the meaning of XML tags used by yEd/yFiles. For that I've manually produced a graph in yEd which has the properties I need. Now I look at the textual description generated by yEd for that graph and cannot understand much :)
<y:Realizers>, <y:ProxyAutoBoundsNode>, many others. What all that is about? I tried to find the documentation on your site, but couldn't discover any comprehensive guide on XML clauses used/understood by your software. There are schemas, actually, but they don't help to understand the meaning of the tags.
If you have a guide on the graphml syntax understood by your tools, would you, please, share a link?
BTW: yEd is awesome! Has all the capabilities that I really need.