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Text data templates in SVG nodes

+1 vote
I am using an SVG as a node template. The SVG comprises a small table with text fields that need to be filled in. Of course I can do this with labels but it would be brilliant if I could just provide some markup for the relevent textfields so that yEd can recognize upon import, that the texts actually represent text data fields.

For example, if there was a text element "${customData1=Default Text 1}" and another "${customData2}", yEd would add node Data entries "customData1" and "customData2" with the former already assigned the default value "Default Text 1"

I tried to figure out if this is already possible, but could not find a hint.
in Feature Requests by (130 points)
edited by

1 Answer

0 votes
yEd does not support data binding in SVG documents.

Using actual labels is the way to go.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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