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How to layout orthogonal edges?

0 votes

I have been using yEd for several years and am recently returning to it after a 6 month break.  Now, when I open old graphs, I get curvy edges.  No matter what layout I choose I can not get back to orthoganal edges.  I have tried everything I know to do without any luck.  I need help please.


I have attached a sample graph here.

Note:  I this graphml file was generated using a script that has been in production for some time.  This script has always generated files that allowed changes in layout using yEd.  We often generate files containing 10,000 or more nodes and regularly view these using an orthogonal edge layout.  After a brief pause in usage (6 months) the graphml files generated by this script can not be viewed with orthogonal edges.

in Help by (120 points)
edited by

2 Answers

0 votes
Please upload one of the broken files and we'll have a look at it. File upload is described here: http://yed.yworks.com/support/qa/1734/

If you don't want to upload a complete diagram, a small example which contains only one broken edge would be fine, too.
by [yWorks] (26.8k points)
0 votes
The edge definitions in the generated GraphML file have no visual attributes. Consequently, yEd will use the current default edge style to represent these edges when opening the file. If you change the default style back to e.g. Polyline (before opening the file) then the edges from this file will support orthogonal paths once more. To change the default edge style, open a palette section with edge style and double-click the desired style. As a visual marker for the default style, its background will be blue instead of white.

Alternatively, after opening the file, select all edges and choose "Apply Type" from the context menu of the palette's Polyline edge style.

I know it is very late to answer this question, but maybe the answer helps if someone else comes across a similar problem.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thanks Thomas - it helped me a lot!
Indeed this helped - I (yEd newbie) was tearing my hair out trying to make the bends on my edges orthogonal until seeing your "late" (but ultimately very useful) response. Many thanks.
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