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Creating bends and edges

0 votes


Can I create bends as mentioned in the link below in YeD graph ?

I am using python NetworkX to create the graph, saved in 'graphml' format and displaying it using YeD. 



in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

Yes, of course, you can create bends in yEd.

The link you posted, however, points to the yFiles for HTML Developer's Guide. yFiles is a programming library for software developers to create their own applications.

yEd is an end-user application for creating diagrams. For documentation on yEd, please consult the yEd manual.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thank you.
Since I will be creating the graph using python NetworkX module and generate the 'graphml' format, I am looking for a document or blog which describe how to create bends using python, what property I need to add for edges or nodes, etc.

I know there is Property Mapper in YeD tool.


I do not know of any documentation that explains how to use NetworkX to create yEd GraphML files. There certainly is none that was created by yWorks.

Your best bet is to create a very simple diagram (e.g. two nodes, one edge with one bend) in yEd, save the diagram as GraphML, inspect the generated GraphML, and custom/configure NetworkX to produce a corresponding GraphML. I.e. you need to reverse engineer yEd's GraphML format on your own.

I am pretty sure yEd's properties mapper cannot help with this task.

That said, the proper way to create GraphML files readable by yEd is using the yFiles programming libraries instead of NetworkX.

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