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Edge path visualization

0 votes

I have created a graph using python 'networkx' and saved the graph in 'graphml' format. I am using YeD to display the graph for better representation.

However the graph is very big and need to zoom in to view the nodes properly.

Problem is, in this graph I need to display a complete path from 'node-Start' to 'node-End' which go through intermediate nodes, like this :

node-Start ==> node-X ==> node-Y ==> node-End

I want when I select the edge between (node-Start, node-X), it should highlight the entire path as shown above.

Is it possible to achieve in YeD ?

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1 Answer

0 votes

I am afraid the feature you are looking for is not available in yEd.

It is possible to implement such a feature using the yFiles library (upon which yEd is built), however. Thus if developing a custom application is an option for you, take a look at the yFiles diagramming library.

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by [yWorks] (161k points)
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