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+3 votes
Is there a way to save BPMN diagrams in standard file formats such as BPEL or XPDL? If yes, how? If not, is this feature on your list?

Thank you very much in advance
in Feature Requests by
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2 Answers

0 votes
No thats currently not possible and that feature was not on our todo list so far.
by [yWorks] (26.8k points)
Thank you for your immediate reply.
Maybe export to a BPMN standard (XML) format could be interesting for you. It could help yEd to stay in the competition of serious BPMN modelling tools. Lacking import/export features to BPM-suites might otherwise kick you out of the race in the near future ;-)

And of course, I would like to see this feature so I can also stay with you and do not have to rebuild all my past work in another modeller :-)
0 votes
Is there a plan to save BPMN diagrams in the ".bpmn" XML format as defined by OMG? Or maybe you know another way how to import/export yed BPMN files from/to BPM Systems? :-)

Thank you very much in advance
Well, in theory you could use XSLT to transform GraphML into the official BPMN XML format. However, due to the complexity of GraphML creating the necessary stylesheet will require quite a bit of effort. (We do not have such a stylesheet and currently do not plan to create one.)
If you could provide a "condensation nucleus", I would like to give it a try. And of course provide my results.
I have an XSLT transformation that can convert most of BPMN collaboration diagrams from .GraphML to .BPMN schema. Please let know if this could be interesting.
it is
Let me know your mail and I send you the xslt
Hello, i am looking for XSLT that can transform .graphml to .bpmn - could u help
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