First, thanks for this great tool!
I need to insert the yEd graph (problem tree) I created in a Word document. I tried different export formats (EMF, JPG, BMP, PNG) then insert into Word but can't get anything one can read on the screen. Even with EMF, I need to zoom the Word document to 500% to be able to read the labels. With JPG, the quality is not that bad but some words in the labels get truncated ("..." instead of the full label). The only good quality export I can get is through PDF, but I do need to get the graph in a Word document...
Is the size of my yEd graph too big ? Is the font I used too small (I don't think so because it's Arial 10) ? What else did I do wrong ?
Note: using yEd 3.10 and Word 2010.
Sorry if the questions are stupid but thanks in advance for your answer!