When I have edges in close proximity and labels in between them when connecting to a node, it is really difficulty to select and move the labels.
For example grid spacing 10, label font size 8 works/looks great, but the "click" bounding box around the label itself is too big and whenever clicking on the label selects either the edge next to it or the label next to it.
This is somewhat exacerbated by the fact that whenever you want to move something (specificaly a label) it doesn't move the one that is currently selected but the one that is selected by the next click and drag.
To explain another way: If you have a number of labels nearby, or labels and edges in my case, you can select the one that you want with CTRL+click but the selection doesn't show what is selected until the mouse button is released. If you want to move a label however you have to left-press and drag ... which however selects the next element in the list and moves the next one. So is there a way around this by changing some preferences ? I can think of a number of ways an editor of this kind could solve this, but I can't one that is actually implemented in the yed editor (at least in the java version)