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Cannot get access to online resources through the menu

0 votes

Cannot get access to online resources through the menu from Ubuntu 12.04. Get message: "Cannot run program 'which': error=2, No such file or directory"

Run command:

$ LANG=C PATH=/opt/jdk1.7.0_09/bin java -jar yed.jar



in Help by
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I noticed that if run like that, the browser is launched:

$ LANG=C PATH=/opt/jdk1.7.0_09/bin:$PATH java -jar yed.jar

However, the application launches Firefox, while my default browser installed Crome.

1 Answer

0 votes
Thanks for reporting this problem. This is indeed a problem that we've noticed, too, but we haven't had the time to fix it.
by [yWorks] (26.8k points)
As of yEd 3.17 launching the browser is delegated to the Java framework. This should prevent this problem for supported desktop environments (e.g. GNOME).
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