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Proper termination / clipping of thick edges

0 votes

Edges are drawn as lines from the point where the path leaves the origin node up to the point where it reaches the destination node. In the absence of any arrows, that path is drawn using a butt line cap, so a straight edge always becomes a rectangle when drawn. This is not a problem if the bounding box of the node has the same thickness as the edge. But drawing an edge thicker than this bounding box and not orthogonal to the nodes will result in rather ugly line terminators:

Example image

This should be improved. Perhaps one of the best ways to fix this would be to always draw the edge up to the center of the node, but to omit the part inside the node using clipping. That way, the shape of the end of the edge would follow the shape of the node.

in Feature Requests by (170 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Try changing the rendering order of nodes and edges to make the above described effect less noticable. To do that, go to "File" -> "Preference" and select option "Paint Nodes over Edges" in tab "Display".
by [yWorks] (162k points)
This workaround does reduce the effect, but not eliminate it. Furthermore, it makes the graph rendering ambiguous in cases where an edge passes under a node without connecting to that node. So it helps, but it's no solution.
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