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How to save the neighborhood of selected elements

0 votes

when I click on a element I can see the neighborhood of this element. I want to save this neighborhood graph but by choosing the function save as GraphML I can only save the original graph. I'm wondering how can I save the neighborhood?
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

Yes, you actually can.

  1. Right-click the neighborhood view to open its context menu.
  2. Choose "Convert to Document".
  3. Save the new document.

This works for all context view.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
Sorry, I just tried but I didn't see the context menu. Where should I actually click on? I selected a element and zoom-in the neighborhood view. I click on the white space and also on the neighborhood bar but didn't see anything. Could you please explain it more and perhaps with a screenshot? Thanks in advance.

Anywhere inside the neighborhood view area (i.e. inside the red rectangle in the screenshot below):

It does not matter if the click location in the neighborhood view is free space or not.

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