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Is it posible to define the position where edges are connected to a node?

0 votes

I created costum nodes that represent valves and by default the edges are coming from and pointing to the nodes center. Is it posiblt to change this so that incomming edges all point to one costum point and all outgoing edges depart from an other costum point?


To clarify

in Help by

1 Answer

+1 vote

If you press and hold SHIFT when starting or finishing edge creation, the edge will start/end at the exact mouse position instead of the node center. Moreover, for an existing edge, you can modify its start/end point by selecting the edge and adjusting its ports. See section "Ports" in the properties view in yEd's lower right corner:

Note: The values are relative to the corresponding node's center. I.e. a value of 0 for e.g. "Source Port X" means the edge starts horizontally centered in the node. A value of 15 for the same property and a source node with width 30 means the edge starts at the node's right border.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thank you, but maybe I misformulated the question, this is not exactly what I was looking for. The shift button makes it simpler, but I would really like to modify the node, so the desired version becomes the default. Even more, I would like to do this in such a way that this also happens when I place a new node.

So basically I would like to modify this in the properties of my costum node in the pallet. Is that posible and if so, how?
No, it is not possible to define custom default edge ports.
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