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GraphMLViewer and Flash: Soon dead?

–1 vote
Maybe I mix up "Adobe Flash" and "Flash for GraphMLViewer", but Adobe Flash will be gone in a view weeks. Does it have an impact on GraphMLViewer too?
in Help by (780 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Yes, GraphMLViewer is an application based on Adobe Flash. And yes, if you can no longer use the Adobe Flash plug-in in your browser(s), you can no longer use the GraphMLViewer.

We recommend using yEd Live for viewing diagrams stored as GraphML files in a browser.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
edited by
Now I see the information here https://www.yworks.com/downloads#GraphMLViewer , but not on the main site of the tool.

PS: You mean "yEd Live", not "yEd Lite" - right?
Yes, I meant 'yEd Live'. I have corrected the mistake. Thank you for pointing it out. :)
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