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Is it possible to add actions to objects, e.g. open pop-up message when click on a shape object.

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Hi yEd,

I just started using yEd yesterday to create workflow diagrams, and am impressed at the level of intuitiveness of this tool. I was wondering is it possible to add "actions" to "objects", e.g. to pop-up a message when user click on one of the shape object in a workflow diagram? If the current yEd is not able to do so, would be nice if you can advise on how it can be done with other yworks product, or perhaps consider adding it as a feature in future release. Thanks for your consideration in advance.


in Help by (120 points)

1 Answer

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No, it is not possible to add your own actions to objects. There are, however, some default actions already in place:

  • If you specify an URL that points to a webpage or a GraphML file in the URL property of a node or an edge, then selecting such a node or edge and pressing F8 will open the webpage in your default browser and GraphML files in a new yEd editor tab.
  • If you specify a description in the Description property of a node or an edge, hovering the mouse over such a node or edge will display a tool tip with that description.
  • Double-clicking a group or folder node with the left mouse button will navigate to the contents of that node.

For Graphity and Diagrams for Confluence, it is not possible to add your own actions to objects, either.

Most other yWorks products are programming libraries intended for software developers. It is possible to add custom actions to applications based on these libraries, but how that is done depends on the programming platform (i.e. the answer to this question is a different one for Java, .NET, FLEX, etc).
If you are a software planning to use yFiles (as yWorks' diagramming libraries are collectively named), please request an yFiles evaluation version from the yWorks website and contact yWorks support for answers to technical questions.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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