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What is the keyboard shortcut to add the text label to an icon?

0 votes
Often, as part of creating an object I want to label it. Simply typing should make the label but it doesn't. Failing that there should be a keyboard shortcut to start typing the label, but I can't find it.

What is that keyboard shortcut?
in Help by (210 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
For a single selected element, F2 will start the inline text editor.

Aside from that, there are also "File" -> "Preferences", tab "Editor", settings "Edit Label on Create Node" and "Edit Label on Create Edge".
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thank you!

For me, F2 toggles "snap lines". Maybe because I'm on a Mac.

I do find that "Enter" starts the inline text editor. Even better, though, is "Edit Label on Create Node".
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