Hey yEd Team and Users,
I use the the yEd editor quite frequently and I like it very much. But I've been puzzled by some of its properties.
Sometimes I create graphs programmatically from somewhere else. I include ImageNodes and add relative image paths to this node. Here are two issues or possibly feature requests:
- When loading, changing and saving these graphs within yEd, these paths get replaced by absolute paths. So when editing files on different computers (e.g. via subversion) absolute paths can break the graph. But this problem doesn't occur yet, since the next issue seems to prevent errors due to different absolute paths:
- Additionally to the filenames of ImageNodes yEd seems to also store binary image data in the .graphml files. When loading graphs it seems to load the binary data rather than the file source. This creates a redundancy which is even more dangeours, since editing on different machines may lead to displaying not up to date nodes (i.e. when underlying image files get changed).
Then I've got two more issues:
- I had to add icons to nodes. But the icon selector doesn't remember the last directory. So this was quite tedious.
- I tried to get around this problem by using softlinks. But yEd doesn't recognize softlinks pointing to other directories.
If the above issues are on my side of use, please give me a hint. Otherwise I'd appreciate having some of these issues implemented in following versions. Thank you