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PSFrag an EPS files created with yEd

0 votes



I want to sustitute text I wrote with yEd with PSFrag. In my.tex document is witten:


\psfrag{Cat}[tc][tc]{Dog} % [tc][tc]

In the .dvi file the text appeares mirrored, see picture.
This only happenes with .eps files created with yEd.
I'm looking forward for your reply,
with kind regards,
in Help by
Convert in SVG and then with Inkscape in eps.
It is working!

1 Answer

0 votes

Which version of yEd was used to create the EPS file in question? If you view the EPS file in a dedicated EPS viewer application (e.g. gv, PDF viewer such as okular or evince usually support EPS, too) is the text mirrored, too?

In any case, yEd uses a third party library for EPS export (FreeHEP VectorGraphics) which is unfortunately no longer maintained by its creators. In other words, if this is a bug in FreeHEP the situation will not improve any time soon.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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