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printable notes

0 votes
sometimes it's valuable in  my yEd uses to add notes to a node i.e. the node will be labeled "meal is done" and I would like to add some notes to further describe the content i.e. "this means the food is cooked, the table is set, and we are ready for customers to sit down and dine" and then have the note printed.  I know there's attributes or a note function within the node properties but I'm looking for something that has the ability to be printed or hid accordingly to need. possible?
in Feature Requests by (170 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
  1. Introduce a binary custom property that marks some nodes as "normal" and others as notes.
  2. Add an additional custom property that duplicates the text of your nodes.
  3. Create a user-defined palette section and add an invisible node to it.
  4. Add your note visualization to said palette section, too.
  5. Use the properties mapper to create a node configuration that maps the binary property on the invisible node (using "Template: Multiple").
  6. Create a second node configuration that maps the binary property on your note template and the text property on label text.

Running the first configuration will hide your notes, the second configuration will unhide the notes.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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