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Most elegant way to host graphml or yed html file for online sharing.

0 votes
Hi. I've created a relatively complicated diagram in yEd and I was hoping to share it online with assessors as a self-guided presentation. I checked out yEd live but I'd prefer a method that looked more presentational and that hides any editing functions and allows single-click linking to the embedded urls. Something that looks as close to how I see it when i open the exported html file in my browser. Is there a solution to this? I also looked into GraphMLviewer but it didn't seem to solve the problem.
in Help by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Export your diagram as SVG document or HTML image map. You might need to adjust the exported links manually, though (depending on where you place the exported file and where your links point to).
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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