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What is the best way to add a lot of nodes and name them quickly?

0 votes
The title pretty much sums it up. The only way I know is to make a node, double click it and change its title, click somewhere else to stop edditing, repeat.

Is there a process that can allow you to do something like type a name, enter, repeat, and every time it makes a node with that title? Essentially like you were making a list in a text editor.


something like that.
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1 Answer

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Best answer

There are several possibilities which might help you:

  • If the option "Edit Label on Create Node" is enabled in the yEd Preferences (File menu > Preferences > Editor tab), the label text input field is opened automatically for every new node.
  • Pressing the key F2 starts label editing for the selected element and the key Enter ends editing.
  • Copy and paste and the commands Duplicate (Ctrl + D) and Add Child (Ctrl + W) can be used to add nodes quickly.
  • The Excel import can be used to create nodes with labels from a simple table with one column and each node's label in a separate row. This kind of file corresponds to a Node List in Excel import dialog notation. Please see the manual page and search this forum for more details on Excel import.
by [yWorks] (26.8k points)
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