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sort node by label alphabetically

+6 votes
It'd be nice to add a function to sort nodes by their label alphabetically.

The reason is that, when you have a tons of nodes, it's hard to find a specific one unless you search for it, which takes a lot of steps to do.

All nodes could be put in a vertical or horizontal line. Either would work.

Lines connection could have no impact on the layout algorithm.

Group could be a little tricky. So, nodes within each group could be sorted separatedly, while groups themselves are sorted by their name, with a vertical or horizontal layout too.
in Feature Requests by (840 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Nodes are already sorted alphabetically by label text in the structure view in yEd's lower left corner. Double-clicking a node in the structure view will center said node in the editor area.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
This is awesome.
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