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Distinguish nodes by shapes based on a certain criteria

0 votes
Hi Experts,

In network plot, is it possible to let some nodes be square but others are triangle based on a certain criteria or a predifined list. Say, I have a list of names: A, B, C, D... in which A, D are square but others are triangle. There are thousands of names here, so I don't think I can do it manually, is there an automatic way?

Thank you

in Help by (270 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Well, if the names of your nodes are stored in a custom property (see Custom Properties) the properties mapper (see Mapping Custom Properties to Visual Properties) may be used to achieve the desired result.

If the names are the label texts of your nodes, there is no way to process them in yEd. You could try to use XSLT to change the GraphML of your graph in such a way that for each node a custom property is added that holds the node's name and then use the properties mapper as mentioned above.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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