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Finding the right layout settings

+2 votes

In 2014, I designed the diagram shown below and found a way to automatically arrange it such that the black dots are placed in between the yellow boxes:

Now in 2020, I cannot find the right settings for the hierarchical layout to achieve the same. I've tried various combinations and layout types. The closest result I can get looks like this:

If anyone could give me a hint it would be much appreciated!

(I'm trying this with yEd 3.14.3, which is the same version I used back then.)

in Help by (180 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
The first diagram looks like it could like it could have been arranged with yEd's family tree layout.
Another possibility would be a two-pass approach using yEd's hierarchic layout. In the first pass, run hierarchic layout left-to-right. Then manually move the block dots roughly between/next to their predecessor nodes. Then run hierarchic layout again with option "Use Drawing As Sketch" enabled.
by [yWorks] (161k points)
selected by
The family tree layout is the solution.

To avoid the error stating that a family tree data type is needed, one can set the "Color For Males" and Females each to yellow. This must have been the trick I used in 2014.

Thank you very much for your quick expert help!
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