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How to make a larger print image

0 votes
My .graphml file fits fine on an 8.5 x 11 page. When I print on 11 x 17 paper I want the image to expand. Looking at the print preview the image is just a small portion of the page (and I printed to verify). How can I expand the image?
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
In the print preview's upper right corner is a button "Settings..." that opens yEd's print settings dialog. Open said dialog and make sure to use the default settings (simply click the dialog's "Reset" button and confirm your decision with "Ok" when asked for it). Close the settings dialog by clicking the dialog's "Ok" button.

In the print preview's upper left corner is a button "Page..." that opens your printer's paper/print settings dialog. Open said dialog and choose the correct paper size. Close the settings dialog by clicking the dialog's "Ok" button.

Finally, print your diagram using the preview's "Print..." button.
by [yWorks] (161k points)
Thanks for responding. Sorry for late reply but I had to be away.

I have tried what you suggested and now I have an 8.5 x 11 size image in the upper left hand corner of an 11 x 17 page.
Please post screenshots of your yEd print settings, your printer's paper settings, and your printer's final print dialog . Otherwise it is impossible for us to find the cause for your problem.
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