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Yed export to other users

+1 vote

I've created a yed graph using group nodes. How can I simply export it to colleagues without installing yed editor on their PCs?

I've tried PDF but it only shows the current graph and not the encapsulated group nodes.
I've also tried Graphml Viewer but I didn't manage to work around Flash Player issues and it requires my colleagues to modify their installation too.

Thank you in advance.
in Help by (140 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

If the PDF Export does not show the nodes inside your group nodes, your group nodes are closed. To create a PDF document that shows all the nodes, you could open all groups before exporting.

Aside from that, your co-workers may use the browser based yEd Live to view GraphML files saved from yEd. (There might be minor differences when viewing a yEd created GraphML file in yEd Live, though.)

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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