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ER section is not complete

+1 vote
Hi, I just download the yEd Editor for drawing ERD. The application itself is really well designed. However, there is one thing missing in ER section. Please come up with a node that looks like the one for primary key but the underline should be dotted. This node is for the primary key on the weak entity types to tell people this is part of the primary key and the full primary key will be this one plus the primary key of whatever the weak entity type refers to.



The diagram in this web page has a example of the missing part. Please see the Attribute called course_id. This is similar to the primary key but the underline is dotted, not solid. The real primary key for course is program_id and course_id.
in Help by
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Please provide a link to a formal specification that defines the symbol you think is missing.
I've updated the question with a link added. Here you could see the example.

Thank you very much for the link to the example. However, I was asking for a link to a formal specification.

I am now trying to use yEd to do my database homework. So the formal specification I could easily find is in the text book. I searched online, and I found something close. It is a class slice. Moreover, yEd does not provide "double straight line", "super/subclass" and so on.
Here is the link to the pdf:

1 Answer

0 votes

See the answer (which includes a sample GraphML file) to Any update please? I need this feature for partial key representation.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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