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Label Placement in automatic layout

0 votes

Similar to this question, i would like to position the label above the edge, instead of inside it. When adding a new label, it is automatically placed next to the edge (like i want it), but when i run "automatic layout", all labels are placed on top/inside the edge again. Using Generic, like the answer to the linked question suggests, messes up the layout, because the labels don't control the length of the edge anymore.

If there is no way to do this in yEd-Live, is there one in the offline version of yEd?

before autolayout:

after autolayout:

in Help by (220 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Unfortunately, it is not possible to configure edge label placement in yEd Live.

However, it is possible to do so in the yEd desktop application:

  1. Click on an edge label to select it.
  2. Adjust property "Preferred Placement" in the properties view in yEd's lower right corner.
  3. Run layout algorithm.

However, it depends on the layout algorithm to which extend preferred placement is respected. Hierarchic layout as well as the dedicated label placement algorithm support preferred placement very well.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
Labels properties displaced via property mapper
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