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How to set a different Java-path

0 votes
Hi there,

I'm using Manjaro Linux KDE with yEd and it's great. Except that when I save a file and reopen it there are anoying whitespace on every single node.

The problem is not new and depends on the Java version, like described in this post: "Edge label text adds extra white space on reload".

The (kind of) solution is: "As it turns out, writing text in mixed-content XML elements is broken in Java 14 (yet again). In other words, this issue occurs only when running yEd on Java 14. With Java 13, this problem does not occur.
We will try to find a fix of course, but in the meantime I suggest to stay on Java 13."

I use java version "14.0.1" 2020-04-14 and I don't want to uninstall it, but I have jdk-13.0.1 downloaded.

Is there a way to tell yEd to use that version, i. e. to change the Java-Path to use?

Kind regards,

in Help by (160 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

The simplest solution would be installing yEd with one of the installer scripts that include an embedded JRE. When doing so, a script for running yEd is created in the installation directory. Said script automatically uses the JRE that was embedded in the installer.

Since there is no installer with embedded Java 14 runtime environment at this time, the only way to run yEd on Java 14 is by explicitly specifying the path to the java executable either directly in a terminal or in a custom script for running yEd. To run yEd with another version of Java, simply specify the path to the java executable of another version of Java.

by [yWorks] (161k points)
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