Unfortunately, yEd cannot import data from attributes of <node> elements (i.e. <node id="n166" labels=":Person">).
It is, however, possible to import the information from the <data> elements in your example, i.e.
<node id="n166">
<data key="labels">:Person</data>
<data key="name">Jill</data>
<data key="id">111</data>
For that to work, there need to be corresponding key definitions at the start of the GraphML file, i.e.
<graphml ...>
<key attr.name="labels" attr.type="string" for="node" id="labels"/>
<key attr.name="name" attr.type="string" for="node" id="name"/>
<key attr.name="id" attr.type="string" for="node" id="id"/>
<graph ...>
<node ...>
<data key="labels">:Person</data>
<data key="name">Jill</data>
<data key="id">111</data>
There is, however, no way to configure this in yEd. Your GraphML file needs to come with the appropriate key definitions. In other words, if Neo4j's GraphML export does not generate these key definitions, you need to add those yourself (e.g. using a text editor or in a post-processing step).