I wants to use a Package Node (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Package_%28UML%29)
My only need is that it should be a group (like Group Nodes), and have that special background for the label, and the label to be positioned on its background.

I tried modifiing the Group Nodes, since functionally they are very similar, but I couldn't position the dossier's label background icon to where it belongs. Then I tried to create a new Node type from image, but it does not behave like a package, and I cannot position the label into it's place.
Are there any existent Nodes I could use, or is there a way to create such a Node?
I tried this solution too: http://yed.yworks.com/support/qa/151/create-symbols
I created a larger rectangle and a smaller one. I make the smaller one as a label of the larger one. But if I put a text into the smaller one, it moved away from the largerone. See the result: