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Familytree, how to select only all the family node or all individual node

0 votes
Hello from,
In a Familytree (Gedcom) you have the family node (marriages) corresponding to a family record - (corresponding to an Family  record,

FAM) example 2 nodes,  and individual node (individus) (corresponding to an individual record, INDI) , example 5 node. YED show 5+2 nodes = 7 nodes

Q1 - how to select only all the< family node> in my example the 2 nodes for customize ?
Q2 - how to select only all the <family node> in my example the 5 nodes  ?
Q3 -  how to select only all the <family node female> ?
Q4 - how to select only all the <label index 2 in all the family node> ?
Thanks in advance from a South French Atlantic coast
Best regards
in Help by (270 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Open the "Current Elements" palette section. This section will have one template representation for each type of element in your diagram. Find the template corresponding to family nodes, right-lick the template to open its context menu and choose "Select Matching Elements".

Use the same approach as in A1, then use "Tools" -> "Select Elements" to invert the selection.

Use the same approach as in A1, but for the template representing females.

Use "Tools" -> "Select Elements". Make sure option "Use These Criteria" is only selected on tab "Node Labels", set option "Select" to value "Index", and option "Index" to value "1".
by [yWorks] (161k points)
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